Make a request for the resource specified via the constructor using the specified timeout period (in micro-seconds), and a user-defined callback for pumping additional data to the host. The callback would be used when uploading data during a 'put' operation (or equivalent). The return value represents the input buffer, from which all returned headers and content may be accessed.

Note that certain request-headers may generated automatically if they are not present. These include a Host header and, in the case of Post, both ContentType & ContentLength for a query type of request. The latter two are *not* produced for Post requests with 'pump' specified ~ when using 'pump' to output additional content, you must explicitly set your own headers.

Note also that IOException instances may be thrown. These should be caught by the client to ensure a close() operation is always performed

  1. InputBuffer open()
  2. InputBuffer open(Pump pump)
  3. InputBuffer open(RequestMethod method, Pump pump)
    class HttpClient
    RequestMethod method
