$(ANCHOR _Culture)
Provides information about a culture, such as its name, calendar and date and number format patterns.
Remarks: tango.text.locale adopts the RFC 1766 standard for culture names in the format <language>"-"<region>.
<language> is a lower-case two-letter code defined by ISO 639-1. <region> is an upper-case
two-letter code defined by ISO 3166. For example, "en-GB" is UK English.
There are three types of culture: invariant, neutral and specific. The invariant culture is not tied to
any specific region, although it is associated with the English language. A neutral culture is associated with
a language, but not with a region. A specific culture is associated with a language and a region. "es" is a neutral
culture. "es-MX" is a specific culture.
Instances of DateTimeFormat and NumberFormat cannot be created for neutral cultures.
Locale-enabled wrapper around tango.text.convert.Layout