generic hash function, using the default hashing. Thanks to 'mwarning' for the optimization suggestion
generic value reaper, which does nothing
generic key/value reaper, which does nothing
Chunk allocator (non GC)
GC Chunk allocator
generic GC allocation manager
GCChunk allocator
Malloc allocation manager.
aliases to the correct Default allocator depending on how big the type is. It makes less sense to use a GCChunk allocator if the type is going to be larger than a page (currently there is no way to get the page size from the GC, so we assume 4096 bytes). If not more than one unit can fit into a page, then we use the default GC allocator.
default initial number of buckets of a non-empty hashmap
default load factor for a non-empty hashmap. The hash table is resized when the proportion of elements per buckets exceeds this limit
Utility functions and constants