Construct a HashMap instance
Clean up when deleted
Add a new element to the set. Does not add if there is an equivalent already present. Returns true where an element is added, false where it already exists (and was possibly updated).
Add a new element to the set. Does not add if there is an equivalent already present. Returns true where an element is added, false where it already exists (and was possibly updated). This variation invokes the given retain function when the key does not already exist. You would typically use that to duplicate a char[], or whatever is required.
Return the number of buckets
Set the desired number of buckets in the hash table. Any value greater than or equal to one is OK.
Set the number of buckets for the given threshold and resize as required
Configure the assigned allocator with the size of each allocation block (number of nodes allocated at one time) and the number of nodes to pre-populate the cache with.
Sanity check
Clears the HashMap contents. Various attributes are retained, such as the internal table itself. Invoke reset() to drop everything.
Does this set contain the given element?
Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
Return the element associated with key
Is this container empty?
Return a generic iterator for contained elements
Time complexity: O(n).
Return the element associated with key
Operator retreival function
Operator shortcut for assignment
Remove a set of values
Removes element instances, and returns the number of elements removed
Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
Replace instances of oldElement with newElement, and returns the number of replacements
Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
Time complexity: O(1) average; O(n) worst.
Reset the HashMap contents. This releases more memory than clear() does
Remove and expose the first element. Returns false when no more elements are contained
Remove and expose the element associated with key
Return the current load factor threshold
Set the resize threshold, and resize as required Set the current desired load factor. Any value greater than 0 is OK. The current load is checked against it, possibly causing a resize.
Copy and return the contained set of values in an array, using the optional dst as a recipient (which is resized as necessary).
Hash table implementation of a Map