1 /******************************************************************************
2  *
3  * copyright:   Copyright © 2007 Daniel Keep.  All rights reserved.
4  * license:     BSD style: $(LICENSE)
5  * version:     Dec 2007: Initial release$(BR)
6  *              May 2009: Inherit File
7  * authors:     Daniel Keep
8  * credits:     Thanks to John Reimer for helping test this module under
9  *              Linux.
10  *
11  ******************************************************************************/
13 module tango.io.device.TempFile;
15 import Path = tango.io.Path;
16 import tango.math.random.Kiss : Kiss;
17 import tango.io.device.Device : Device;
18 import tango.io.device.File;
19 import tango.stdc.stringz : toStringz;
20 import tango.core.Octal;
21 /******************************************************************************
22  ******************************************************************************/
24 version( Win32 )
25 {
26     import tango.sys.Common : DWORD, LONG, MAX_PATH, PCHAR, CP_UTF8;
28     enum : DWORD { FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT = 0x00200000 }
30     version( Win32SansUnicode )
31     {
32         import tango.sys.Common :
33             GetVersionExA, OSVERSIONINFO,
35             GetTempPathA;
37         char[] GetTempPath()
38         {
39             auto len = GetTempPathA(0, null);
40             if( len == 0 )
41                 throw new Exception("could not obtain temporary path");
43             auto result = new char[len+1];
44             len = GetTempPathA(len+1, result.ptr);
45             if( len == 0 )
46                 throw new Exception("could not obtain temporary path");
47             return Path.standard(result[0..len]);
48         }
49     }
50     else
51     {
52         import tango.sys.Common :
53             WideCharToMultiByte,
54             GetVersionExW, OSVERSIONINFO,
56             GetTempPathW;
58         char[] GetTempPath()
59         {
60             auto len = GetTempPathW(0, null);
61             if( len == 0 )
62                 throw new Exception("could not obtain temporary path");
64             auto result = new wchar[len+1];
65             len = GetTempPathW(len+1, result.ptr);
66             if( len == 0 )
67                 throw new Exception("could not obtain temporary path");
69             auto dir = new char [len * 3];
70             auto i = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, result.ptr, len,
71                                           cast(PCHAR) dir.ptr, dir.length, null, null);
72             return Path.standard (dir[0..i]);
73         }
74     }
76     // Determines if reparse points (aka: symlinks) are supported.  Support
77     // was introduced in Windows Vista.
78     @property bool reparseSupported()
79     {
80         OSVERSIONINFO versionInfo = void;
81         versionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = versionInfo.sizeof;
83         void e(){throw new Exception("could not determine Windows version");}
85         version( Win32SansUnicode )
86         {
87             if( !GetVersionExA(&versionInfo) ) e();
88         }
89         else
90         {
91             if( !GetVersionExW(&versionInfo) ) e();
92         }
94         return (versionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6);
95     }
96 }
98 else version( Posix )
99 {
100     import tango.stdc.posix.pwd : getpwnam;
101     import tango.stdc.posix.unistd : access, getuid, lseek, unlink, W_OK;
102     import tango.stdc.posix.sys.types : off_t;
103     import tango.stdc.posix.sys.stat : stat, stat_t;
104     import tango.sys.consts.fcntl : O_NOFOLLOW;
105     import tango.stdc.posix.stdlib : getenv;
106     import tango.stdc.string : strlen;
107 }
109 /******************************************************************************
110  *
111  * The TempFile class aims to provide a safe way of creating and destroying
112  * temporary files.  The TempFile class will automatically close temporary
113  * files when the object is destroyed, so it is recommended that you make
114  * appropriate use of scoped destruction.
115  *
116  * Temporary files can be created with one of several styles, much like normal
117  * Files.  TempFile styles have the following properties:
118  *
119  * $(UL
120  * $(LI $(B Transience): this determines whether the file should be destroyed
121  * as soon as it is closed (transient,) or continue to persist even after the
122  * application has terminated (permanent.))
123  * )
124  *
125  * Eventually, this will be expanded to give you greater control over the
126  * temporary file's properties.
127  *
128  * For the typical use-case (creating a file to temporarily store data too
129  * large to fit into memory,) the following is sufficient:
130  *
131  * -----
132  *  {
133  *      scope temp = new TempFile;
134  *
135  *      // Use temp as a normal conduit; it will be automatically closed when
136  *      // it goes out of scope.
137  *  }
138  * -----
139  *
140  * Important:
141  * It is recommended that you $(I do not) use files created by this class to
142  * store sensitive information.  There are several known issues with the
143  * current implementation that could allow an attacker to access the contents
144  * of these temporary files.
145  *
146  * Todo: Detail security properties and guarantees.
147  *
148  ******************************************************************************/
150 class TempFile : File
151 {
152     /+enum Visibility : ubyte
153     {
154         /**
155          * The temporary file will have read and write access to it restricted
156          * to the current user.
157          */
158         User,
159         /**
160          * The temporary file will have read and write access available to any
161          * user on the system.
162          */
163         World
164     }+/
166     /**************************************************************************
167      *
168      * This enumeration is used to control whether the temporary file should
169      * persist after the TempFile object has been destroyed.
170      *
171      **************************************************************************/
173     enum Transience : ubyte
174     {
175         /**
176          * The temporary file should be destroyed along with the owner object.
177          */
178         Transient,
179         /**
180          * The temporary file should persist after the object has been
181          * destroyed.
182          */
183         Permanent
184     }
186     /+enum Sensitivity : ubyte
187     {
188         /**
189          * Transient files will be truncated to zero length immediately
190          * before closure to prevent casual filesystem inspection to recover
191          * their contents.
192          *
193          * No additional action is taken on permanent files.
194          */
195         None,
196         /**
197          * Transient files will be zeroed-out before truncation, to mask their
198          * contents from more thorough filesystem inspection.
199          *
200          * This option is not compatible with permanent files.
201          */
202         Low
203         /+
204         /**
205          * Transient files will be overwritten first with zeroes, then with
206          * ones, and then with a random 32- or 64-bit pattern (dependant on
207          * which is most efficient.)  The file will then be truncated.
208          *
209          * This option is not compatible with permanent files.
210          */
211         Medium
212         +/
213     }+/
215     /**************************************************************************
216      *
217      * This structure is used to determine how the temporary files should be
218      * opened and used.
219      *
220      **************************************************************************/
221     align(1) struct TempStyle
222     {
223         //Visibility visibility;      ///
224         Transience transience;        ///
225         //Sensitivity sensitivity;    ///
226         //Share share;                ///
227         //Cache cache;                ///
228         ubyte attempts = 10;          ///
229     }
231     /**
232      * TempStyle for creating a transient temporary file that only the current
233      * user can access.
234      */
235     static __gshared const TempStyle Transient = {Transience.Transient};
236     /**
237      * TempStyle for creating a permanent temporary file that only the current
238      * user can access.
239      */
240     static __gshared const TempStyle Permanent = {Transience.Permanent};
242     // Path to the temporary file
243     private char[] _path;
245     // TempStyle we've opened with
246     private TempStyle _style;
248     ///
249     this(TempStyle style = TempStyle.init)
250     {
251         open (style);
252     }
254     ///
255     this(const(char)[] prefix, TempStyle style = TempStyle.init)
256     {
257         open (prefix, style);
258     }
260     /**************************************************************************
261      *
262      * Indicates the style that this TempFile was created with.
263      *
264      **************************************************************************/
265     TempStyle tempStyle()
266     {
267         return _style;
268     }
270     /*
271      * Creates a new temporary file with the given style.
272      */
273     private void open (TempStyle style)
274     {
275         open (tempPath(), style);
276     }
278     private void open (const(char)[] prefix, TempStyle style)
279     {
280         for( ubyte i=style.attempts; i--; )
281         {
282             if( openTempFile(Path.join(prefix, randomName()), style) )
283                 return;
284         }
286         error("could not create temporary file");
287     }
289     version( Win32 )
290     {
291         private static enum DEFAULT_LENGTH = 6;
292         private static enum DEFAULT_PREFIX = "~t";
293         private static enum DEFAULT_SUFFIX = ".tmp";
295         private static enum JUNK_CHARS =
296             "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
298        /**********************************************************************
299          *
300          * Returns the path to the directory where temporary files will be
301          * created.  The returned path is safe to mutate.
302          *
303          **********************************************************************/
304         public static char[] tempPath()
305         {
306             return GetTempPath();
307         }
309         /*
310          * Creates a new temporary file at the given path, with the specified
311          * style.
312          */
313         private bool openTempFile(const(char)[] path, TempStyle style)
314         {
315             // TODO: Check permissions directly and throw an exception;
316             // otherwise, we could spin trying to make a file when it's
317             // actually not possible.
319             Style filestyle = {Access.ReadWrite, Open.New,
320                                Share.None, Cache.None};
322             DWORD attr;
324             // Set up flags
325             attr = reparseSupported ? FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT : 0;
326             if( style.transience == Transience.Transient )
327                 attr |= FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE;
329             if (!super.open (path, filestyle, attr))
330                 return false;
332             _style = style;
333             return true;
334         }
335     }
336     else version( Posix )
337     {
338         private static enum DEFAULT_LENGTH = 6;
339         private static enum DEFAULT_PREFIX = ".tmp";
341         // Use "~" to work around a bug in DMD where it elides empty constants
342         private static enum DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "~";
344         private static enum JUNK_CHARS =
346             "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
348        /**********************************************************************
349          *
350          * Returns the path to the directory where temporary files will be
351          * created.  The returned path is safe to mutate.
352          *
353          **********************************************************************/
354         public static const(char)[] tempPath()
355         {
356             // Check for TMPDIR; failing that, use /tmp
357             char* ptr = getenv ("TMPDIR");
358             if (ptr is null)
359                 return "/tmp/";
360             else
361                 return ptr[0 .. strlen (ptr)].dup;
362         }
364         /*
365          * Creates a new temporary file at the given path, with the specified
366          * style.
367          */
368         private bool openTempFile(const(char)[] path, TempStyle style)
369         {
370             // Check suitability
371             {
372                 auto parentz = toStringz(Path.parse(path).path);
374                 // Make sure we have write access
375                 if( access(parentz, W_OK) == -1 )
376                     error("do not have write access to temporary directory");
378                 // Get info on directory
379                 stat_t sb;
380                 if( stat(parentz, &sb) == -1 )
381                     error("could not stat temporary directory");
383                 // Get root's UID
384                 auto pwe = getpwnam("root");
385                 if( pwe is null ) error("could not get root's uid");
386                 auto root_uid = pwe.pw_uid;
388                 // Make sure either we or root are the owner
389                 if( !(sb.st_uid == root_uid || sb.st_uid == getuid()) )
390                     error("temporary directory owned by neither root nor user");
392                 // Check to see if anyone other than us can write to the dir.
393                 if( (sb.st_mode & octal!22) != 0 && (sb.st_mode & octal!1000) == 0 )
394                     error("sticky bit not set on world-writable directory");
395             }
397             // Create file
398             {
399                 Style filestyle = {Access.ReadWrite, Open.New,
400                                    Share.None, Cache.None};
402                 auto addflags = O_NOFOLLOW;
404                 if (!super.open(path, filestyle, addflags, octal!600))
405                     return false;
407                 if( style.transience == Transience.Transient )
408                 {
409                     // BUG TODO: check to make sure the path still points
410                     // to the file we opened.  Pity you can't unlink a file
411                     // descriptor...
413                     // NOTE: This should be an exception and not simply
414                     // returning false, since this is a violation of our
415                     // guarantees.
416                     if( unlink(toStringz(path)) == -1 )
417                         error("could not remove transient file");
418                 }
420                 _style = style;
422                 return true;
423             }
424         }
425     }
426     else
427     {
428         static assert(false, "Unsupported platform");
429     }
431     /*
432      * Generates a new random file name, sans directory.
433      */
434     private char[] randomName(size_t length=DEFAULT_LENGTH,
435             const(char)[] prefix=DEFAULT_PREFIX,
436             const(char)[] suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
437     {
438         auto junk = new char[length];
439         scope(exit) delete junk;
441         foreach( ref c ; junk )
442             c = JUNK_CHARS[Kiss.instance.toInt(cast(uint)$)];
444         return prefix~junk~suffix;
445     }
447     override void detach()
448     {
449         static assert( !is(Sensitivity) );
450         super.detach();
451     }
452 }
454 version( TempFile_SelfTest ):
456 import tango.io.Console : Cin;
457 import tango.io.Stdout : Stdout;
459 void main()
460 {
461     Stdout(r"
462 Please ensure that the transient file no longer exists once the TempFile
463 object is destroyed, and that the permanent file does.  You should also check
464 the following on both:
466  * the file should be owned by you,
467  * the owner should have read and write permissions,
468  * no other permissions should be set on the file.
470 For POSIX systems:
472  * the temp directory should be owned by either root or you,
473  * if anyone other than root or you can write to it, the sticky bit should be
474    set,
475  * if the directory is writable by anyone other than root or the user, and the
476    sticky bit is *not* set, then creating the temporary file should fail.
478 You might want to delete the permanent one afterwards, too. :)")
479     .newline;
481     Stdout.formatln("Creating a transient file:");
482     {
483         scope tempFile = new TempFile(/*TempFile.UserPermanent*/);
485         Stdout.formatln(" .. path: {}", tempFile);
487         tempFile.write("Transient temp file.");
489         char[] buffer = new char[1023];
490         tempFile.seek(0);
491         buffer = buffer[0..tempFile.read(buffer)];
493         Stdout.formatln(" .. contents: \"{}\"", buffer);
495         Stdout(" .. press Enter to destroy TempFile object.").newline;
496         Cin.copyln();
497     }
499     Stdout.newline;
501     Stdout.formatln("Creating a permanent file:");
502     {
503         scope tempFile = new TempFile(TempFile.Permanent);
505         Stdout.formatln(" .. path: {}", tempFile);
507         tempFile.write("Permanent temp file.");
509         char[] buffer = new char[1023];
510         tempFile.seek(0);
511         buffer = buffer[0..tempFile.read(buffer)];
513         Stdout.formatln(" .. contents: \"{}\"", buffer);
515         Stdout(" .. press Enter to destroy TempFile object.").flush;
516         Cin.copyln();
517     }
519     Stdout("\nDone.").newline;
520 }