1 /**
2  * Elliptic integrals.
3  * The functions are named similarly to the names used in Mathematica. 
4  *
5  * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
6  * Copyright: Based on the CEPHES math library, which is
7  *            Copyright (C) 1994 Stephen L. Moshier (moshier@world.std.com).
8  * Authors:   Stephen L. Moshier (original C code). Conversion to D by Don Clugston
9  *
10  * References:
11  * $(LINK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_integral)
12  *
13  * Eric W. Weisstein. "Elliptic Integral of the First Kind." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. $(LINK http://mathworld.wolfram.com/EllipticIntegraloftheFirstKind.html)
14  *
15  * $(LINK http://www.netlib.org/cephes/ldoubdoc.html)
16  *
17  * Macros:
18  *  TABLE_SV = <table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
19  *      <caption>Special Values</caption>
20  *      $0</table>
21  *  SVH = $(TR $(TH $1) $(TH $2))
22  *  SV  = $(TR $(TD $1) $(TD $2))
23  *  GAMMA =  &#915;
24  *  INTEGRATE = $(BIG &#8747;<sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub><sup>$2</sup>)
25  *  POWER = $1<sup>$2</sup>
26  *  NAN = $(RED NAN)
27  */
28 /**
29  * Macros:
30  *  TABLE_SV = <table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
31  *      <caption>Special Values</caption>
32  *      $0</table>
33  *  SVH = $(TR $(TH $1) $(TH $2))
34  *  SV  = $(TR $(TD $1) $(TD $2))
35  *
36  *  NAN = $(RED NAN)
37  *  SUP = <span style="vertical-align:super;font-size:smaller">$0</span>
38  *  GAMMA =  &#915;
39  *  INTEGRAL = &#8747;
40  *  INTEGRATE = $(BIG &#8747;<sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub><sup>$2</sup>)
41  *  POWER = $1<sup>$2</sup>
42  *  BIGSUM = $(BIG &Sigma; <sup>$2</sup><sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub>)
43  *  CHOOSE = $(BIG &#40;) <sup>$(SMALL $1)</sup><sub>$(SMALL $2)</sub> $(BIG &#41;)
44  */
46 module tango.math.Elliptic;
48 import tango.math.Math;
49 import tango.math.IEEE;
51 /* These functions are based on code from:
52 Cephes Math Library, Release 2.3:  October, 1995
53 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995 by Stephen L. Moshier
54 */
57 /**
58  *  Incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind
59  *
60  * Approximates the integral
61  *   F(phi | m) = $(INTEGRATE 0, phi) dt/ (sqrt( 1- m $(POWER sin, 2) t))
62  *
63  * of amplitude phi and modulus m, using the arithmetic -
64  * geometric mean algorithm.
65  */
67 real ellipticF(real phi, real m )
68 {
69     real a, b, c, e, temp, t, K;
70     int d, mod, sign, npio2;
72     if( m == 0.0L )
73         return phi;
74     a = 1.0L - m;
75     if( a == 0.0L ) {
76         if ( fabs(phi) >= PI_2 )  return real.infinity;
77         return  log(  tan( 0.5L*(PI_2 + phi) )  );
78     }
79     npio2 = cast(int)floor( phi/PI_2 );
80     if ( npio2 & 1 )
81         npio2 += 1;
82     if ( npio2 ) {
83         K = ellipticKComplete( a );
84         phi = phi - npio2 * PI_2;
85     } else
86         K = 0.0L;
87     if( phi < 0.0L ){
88         phi = -phi;
89         sign = -1;
90     } else sign = 0;
91     b = sqrt(a);
92     t = tan( phi );
93     if( fabs(t) > 10.0L ) {
94     /* Transform the amplitude */
95     e = 1.0L/(b*t);
96     /* ... but avoid multiple recursions.  */
97     if( fabs(e) < 10.0L ){
98         e = atan(e);
99         if( npio2 == 0 )
100             K = ellipticKComplete( a );
101             temp = K - ellipticF( e, m );
102             goto done;
103         }
104     }
105     a = 1.0L;
106     c = sqrt(m);
107     d = 1;
108     mod = 0;
110     while( fabs(c/a) > real.epsilon ) {
111         temp = b/a;
112         phi = phi + atan(t*temp) + mod * PI;
113         mod = cast(int)((phi + PI_2)/PI);
114         t = t * ( 1.0L + temp )/( 1.0L - temp * t * t );
115         c = 0.5L * ( a - b );
116         temp = sqrt( a * b );
117         a = 0.5L * ( a + b );
118         b = temp;
119         d += d;
120     }
121     temp = (atan(t) + mod * PI)/(d * a);
123 done:
124     if ( sign < 0 )
125         temp = -temp;
126     temp += npio2 * K;
127     return temp;
128 }
131 /**
132  *  Incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind
133  *
134  * Approximates the integral
135  *
136  * E(phi | m) = $(INTEGRATE 0, phi) sqrt( 1- m $(POWER sin, 2) t) dt
137  *
138  * of amplitude phi and modulus m, using the arithmetic -
139  * geometric mean algorithm.
140  */
142 real ellipticE(real phi, real m)
143 {
144     real a, b, c, e, temp, t, E;
145     int d, mod, npio2, sign;
147     if ( m == 0.0L ) return phi;
148     real lphi = phi;
149     npio2 = cast(int)floor( lphi/PI_2 );
150     if( npio2 & 1 )
151         npio2 += 1;
152     lphi = lphi - npio2 * PI_2;
153     if( lphi < 0.0L ){
154         lphi = -lphi;
155         sign = -1;
156     } else  {
157         sign = 1;
158     }
159     a = 1.0L - m;
160     E = ellipticEComplete( a );
161     if( a == 0.0L ) {
162         temp = sin( lphi );
163         goto done;
164     }
165     t = tan( lphi );
166     b = sqrt(a);
167     if ( fabs(t) > 10.0L ) {
168         /* Transform the amplitude */
169         e = 1.0L/(b*t);
170         /* ... but avoid multiple recursions.  */
171         if( fabs(e) < 10.0L ){
172             e = atan(e);
173             temp = E + m * sin( lphi ) * sin( e ) - ellipticE( e, m );
174             goto done;
175         }
176     }
177     c = sqrt(m);
178     a = 1.0L;
179     d = 1;
180     e = 0.0L;
181     mod = 0;
183     while( fabs(c/a) > real.epsilon ) {
184         temp = b/a;
185         lphi = lphi + atan(t*temp) + mod * PI;
186         mod = cast(int)((lphi + PI_2)/PI);
187         t = t * ( 1.0L + temp )/( 1.0L - temp * t * t );
188         c = 0.5L*( a - b );
189         temp = sqrt( a * b );
190         a = 0.5L*( a + b );
191         b = temp;
192         d += d;
193         e += c * sin(lphi);
194     }
196     temp = E / ellipticKComplete( 1.0L - m );
197     temp *= (atan(t) + mod * PI)/(d * a);
198     temp += e;
200 done:
201     if( sign < 0 )
202         temp = -temp;
203     temp += npio2 * E;
204     return temp;
205 }
208 /**
209  *  Complete elliptic integral of the first kind
210  *
211  * Approximates the integral
212  *
213  *   K(m) = $(INTEGRATE 0, &pi;/2) dt/ (sqrt( 1- m $(POWER sin, 2) t))
214  *
215  * where m = 1 - x, using the approximation
216  *
217  *     P(x)  -  log x Q(x).
218  *
219  * The argument x is used rather than m so that the logarithmic
220  * singularity at x = 1 will be shifted to the origin; this
221  * preserves maximum accuracy. 
222  *
223  * x must be in the range
224  *  0 <= x <= 1
225  *
226  * This is equivalent to ellipticF(PI_2, 1-x).
227  *
228  * K(0) = &pi;/2.
229  */
231 real ellipticKComplete(real x)
232 in {
233 //    assert(x>=0.0L && x<=1.0L);
234 }
235 body{
237 __gshared immutable real [] P = [
238    0x1.62e42fefa39ef35ap+0, // 1.3862943611198906189
239    0x1.8b90bfbe8ed811fcp-4, // 0.096573590279993142323
240    0x1.fa05af797624c586p-6, // 0.030885144578720423267
241    0x1.e979cdfac7249746p-7, // 0.01493761594388688915
242    0x1.1f4cc8890cff803cp-7, // 0.0087676982094322259125
243    0x1.7befb3bb1fa978acp-8, // 0.0057973684116620276454
244    0x1.2c2566aa1d5fe6b8p-8, // 0.0045798659940508010431
245    0x1.7333514e7fe57c98p-8, // 0.0056640695097481470287
246    0x1.09292d1c8621348cp-7, // 0.0080920667906392630755
247    0x1.b89ab5fe793a6062p-8, // 0.0067230886765842542487
248    0x1.28e9c44dc5e26e66p-9, // 0.002265267575136470585
249    0x1.c2c43245d445addap-13,    // 0.00021494216542320112406
250    0x1.4ee247035a03e13p-20  // 1.2475397291548388385e-06
251 ];
253 __gshared immutable real [] Q = [
254    0x1p-1,  // 0.5
255    0x1.fffffffffff635eap-4, // 0.12499999999999782631
256    0x1.1fffffff8a2bea1p-4,  // 0.070312499993302227507
257    0x1.8ffffe6f40ec2078p-5, // 0.04882812208418620146
258    0x1.323f4dbf7f4d0c2ap-5, // 0.037383701182969303058
259    0x1.efe8a028541b50bp-6,  // 0.030267864612427881354
260    0x1.9d58c49718d6617cp-6, // 0.025228683455123323041
261    0x1.4d1a8d2292ff6e2ep-6, // 0.020331037356569904872
262    0x1.b637687027d664aap-7, // 0.013373304362459048444
263    0x1.687a640ae5c71332p-8, // 0.0055004591221382442135
264    0x1.0f9c30a94a1dcb4ep-10,    // 0.001036110372590318803
265    0x1.d321746708e92d48p-15     // 5.568631677757315399e-05
266 ];
268     enum real LOG4 = 0x1.62e42fefa39ef358p+0;  // log(4)
270     if( x > real.epsilon )
271         return poly(x,P) - log(x) * poly(x,Q);
272     if ( x == 0.0L )
273         return real.infinity;    
274     return LOG4 - 0.5L * log(x);
275 }
277 /**
278  *  Complete elliptic integral of the second kind
279  *
280  * Approximates the integral
281  *
282  * E(m) = $(INTEGRATE 0, &pi;/2) sqrt( 1- m $(POWER sin, 2) t) dt
283  *
284  * where m = 1 - x, using the approximation
285  *
286  *      P(x)  -  x log x Q(x).
287  *
288  * Though there are no singularities, the argument m1 is used
289  * rather than m for compatibility with ellipticKComplete().
290  *
291  * E(1) = 1; E(0) = &pi;/2.
292  * m must be in the range 0 <= m <= 1.
293  */
295 real ellipticEComplete(real x)
296 in {
297  assert(x>=0 && x<=1.0);
298 }
299 body {
300 __gshared immutable real [] P = [
301    0x1.c5c85fdf473f78f2p-2, // 0.44314718055994670505
302    0x1.d1591f9e9a66477p-5,  // 0.056805192715569305834
303    0x1.65af6a7a61f587cp-6,  // 0.021831373198011179718
304    0x1.7a4d48ed00d5745ap-7, // 0.011544857605264509506
305    0x1.d4f5fe4f93b60688p-8, // 0.0071557756305783152481
306    0x1.4cb71c73bac8656ap-8, // 0.0050768322432573952962
307    0x1.4a9167859a1d0312p-8, // 0.0050440671671840438539
308    0x1.dd296daa7b1f5b7ap-8, // 0.0072809117068399675418
309    0x1.04f2c29224ba99b6p-7, // 0.0079635095646944542686
310    0x1.0f5820e2d80194d8p-8, // 0.0041403847015715420009
311    0x1.95ee634752ca69b6p-11,    // 0.00077425232385887751162
312    0x1.0c58aa9ab404f4fp-15  // 3.1989378120323412946e-05
313 ];
315 __gshared immutable real [] Q = [
316    0x1.ffffffffffffb1cep-3, // 0.24999999999999986434
317    0x1.7ffffffff29eaa0cp-4, // 0.093749999999239422678
318    0x1.dfffffbd51eb098p-5,  // 0.058593749514839092674
319    0x1.5dffd791cb834c92p-5, // 0.04272453406734691973
320    0x1.1397b63c2f09a8ep-5,  // 0.033641677787700181541
321    0x1.c567cde5931e75bcp-6, // 0.02767367465121309044
322    0x1.75e0cae852be9ddcp-6, // 0.022819708015315777007
323    0x1.12bb968236d4e434p-6, // 0.016768357258894633433
324    0x1.1f6572c1c402d07cp-7, // 0.0087706384979640787504
325    0x1.452c6909f88b8306p-9, // 0.0024808767529843311337
326    0x1.1f7504e72d664054p-12,    // 0.00027414045912208516032
327    0x1.ad17054dc46913e2p-18     // 6.3939381343012054851e-06
328 ];
329     if (x==0)
330         return 1.0L;
331     return 1.0L + x * poly(x,P) - log(x) * (x * poly(x,Q) );
332 }
334 debug (UnitTest)
335 {
336 unittest {
337     assert( ellipticF(1, 0)==1);
338     assert(ellipticEComplete(0)==1);
339     assert(ellipticEComplete(1)==PI_2);
340     assert(feqrel(ellipticKComplete(1),PI_2)>= real.mant_dig-1);
341     assert(ellipticKComplete(0)==real.infinity);
342 //    assert(ellipticKComplete(1)==0); //-real.infinity);
344     real x=0.5653L;
345     assert(ellipticKComplete(1-x) == ellipticF(PI_2, x) );
346     assert(ellipticEComplete(1-x) == ellipticE(PI_2, x) );
347 }
348 }
351 /**
352  *  Incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind
353  *
354  * Approximates the integral
355  *
356  * PI(n; phi | m) = $(INTEGRATE t=0, phi) dt/((1 - n $(POWER sin,2)t) * sqrt( 1- m $(POWER sin, 2) t))
357  *
358  * of amplitude phi, modulus m, and characteristic n using Gauss-Legendre
359  * quadrature.
360  * 
361  * Note that ellipticPi(PI_2, m, 1) is infinite for any m.
362  */
363 real ellipticPi(real phi, real m, real n)
364 {
365     // BUGS: This implementation suffers from poor precision.
366     __gshared immutable double [] t = [
367         0.9931285991850949, 0.9639719272779138,
368         0.9122344282513259, 0.8391169718222188,
369         0.7463319064601508, 0.6360536807265150,
370         0.5108670019508271, 0.3737060887154195,
371         0.2277858511416451, 0.7652652113349734e-1
372     ];
373     __gshared immutable double [] w =[
374         0.1761400713915212e-1, 0.4060142980038694e-1,
375         0.6267204833410907e-1, 0.8327674157670475e-1,
376         0.1019301198172404, 0.1181945319615184,
377         0.1316886384491766, 0.1420961093183820,
378         0.1491729864726037, 0.1527533871307258
379     ];
380         bool b1 = (m==1) && abs(phi-90)<=1e-8;
381         bool b2 = (n==1) && abs(phi-90)<=1e-8;
382         if (b1 || b2) return real.infinity;
383         real c1 = 0.87266462599716e-2 * phi;
384         real c2 = c1;
385         double x = 0;
386         for (int i=0; i< t.length; ++i) {
387             real c0 = c2 * t[i];
388             real t1 = c1 + c0;
389             real t2 = c1 - c0;
390             real s1 = sin(t1);  //  sin(c1 * (1 + t[i]))
391             real s2 = sin(t2);  //  sin(c1 * (1 - t[i]))
392             real f1 = 1.0 / ((1.0 - n * s1 * s1) * sqrt(1.0 - m * s1 * s1));
393             real f2 = 1.0 / ((1.0 - n * s2 * s2) * sqrt(1.0 - m * s2 * s2));
394             x+= w[i]*(f1+f2);
395         }
396         return c1 * x;
397 }
399 /**
400  *  Complete elliptic integral of the third kind
401  */
402 real ellipticPiComplete(real m, real n)
403 in {
404  assert(m>=-1.0 && m<=1.0);
405 }
406 body {
407     return ellipticPi(PI_2, m, n);
408 }