1 /**
2  * Cumulative Probability Distribution Functions
3  *
4  * Copyright: Based on the CEPHES math library, which is
5  *            Copyright (C) 1994 Stephen L. Moshier (moshier@world.std.com).
6  * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
7  * Authors:   Stephen L. Moshier (original C code), Don Clugston
8  */
10 /**
11  * Macros:
12  *  NAN = $(RED NAN)
13  *  SUP = <span style="vertical-align:super;font-size:smaller">$0</span>
14  *  GAMMA =  &#915;
15  *  INTEGRAL = &#8747;
16  *  INTEGRATE = $(BIG &#8747;<sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub><sup>$2</sup>)
17  *  POWER = $1<sup>$2</sup>
18  *  BIGSUM = $(BIG &Sigma; <sup>$2</sup><sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub>)
19  *  CHOOSE = $(BIG &#40;) <sup>$(SMALL $1)</sup><sub>$(SMALL $2)</sub> $(BIG &#41;)
20  *  TABLE_SV = <table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
21  *      <caption>Special Values</caption>
22  *      $0</table>
23  *  SVH = $(TR $(TH $1) $(TH $2))
24  *  SV  = $(TR $(TD $1) $(TD $2))
25  */
27 module tango.math.Probability;
28 static import tango.math.ErrorFunction;
29 private import tango.math.GammaFunction;
30 private import tango.math.Math;
31 private import tango.math.IEEE;
34 /***
35 Cumulative distribution function for the Normal distribution, and its complement.
37 The normal (or Gaussian, or bell-shaped) distribution is
38 defined as:
40 normalDist(x) = 1/$(SQRT) &pi; $(INTEGRAL -$(INFINITY), x) exp( - $(POWER t, 2)/2) dt
41     = 0.5 + 0.5 * erf(x/sqrt(2))
42     = 0.5 * erfc(- x/sqrt(2))
44 Note that
45 normalDistribution(x) = 1 - normalDistribution(-x).
47 Accuracy:
48 Within a few bits of machine resolution over the entire
49 range.
51 References:
52 $(LINK http://www.netlib.org/cephes/ldoubdoc.html),
53 G. Marsaglia, "Evaluating the Normal Distribution",
54 Journal of Statistical Software <b>11</b>, (July 2004).
55 */
56 real normalDistribution(real a)
57 {
58     return tango.math.ErrorFunction.normalDistributionImpl(a);
59 }
61 /** ditto */
62 real normalDistributionCompl(real a)
63 {
64     return -tango.math.ErrorFunction.normalDistributionImpl(-a);
65 }
67 /******************************
68  * Inverse of Normal distribution function
69  *
70  * Returns the argument, x, for which the area under the
71  * Normal probability density function (integrated from
72  * minus infinity to x) is equal to p.
73  *
74  * For small arguments 0 < p < exp(-2), the program computes
75  * z = sqrt( -2 log(p) );  then the approximation is
76  * x = z - log(z)/z  - (1/z) P(1/z) / Q(1/z) .
77  * For larger arguments,  x/sqrt(2 pi) = w + w^3 R(w^2)/S(w^2)) ,
78  * where w = p - 0.5 .
79  */
80 real normalDistributionInv(real p)
81 {
82     return tango.math.ErrorFunction.normalDistributionInvImpl(p);
83 }
85 /** ditto */
86 real normalDistributionComplInv(real p)
87 {
88     return -tango.math.ErrorFunction.normalDistributionInvImpl(-p);
89 }
91 debug(UnitTest) {
92 unittest {
93     assert(feqrel(normalDistributionInv(normalDistribution(0.1)),0.1L)>=real.mant_dig-4);
94     assert(feqrel(normalDistributionComplInv(normalDistributionCompl(0.1)),0.1L)>=real.mant_dig-4);
95 }
96 }
98 /** Student's t cumulative distribution function
99  *
100  * Computes the integral from minus infinity to t of the Student
101  * t distribution with integer nu > 0 degrees of freedom:
102  *
103  *   $(GAMMA)( (nu+1)/2) / ( sqrt(nu &pi;) $(GAMMA)(nu/2) ) *
104  * $(INTEGRATE -&infin;, t) $(POWER (1+$(POWER x, 2)/nu), -(nu+1)/2) dx
105  *
106  * Can be used to test whether the means of two normally distributed populations
107  * are equal.
108  *
109  * It is related to the incomplete beta integral:
110  *        1 - studentsDistribution(nu,t) = 0.5 * betaDistribution( nu/2, 1/2, z )
111  * where
112  *        z = nu/(nu + t<sup>2</sup>).
113  *
114  * For t < -1.6, this is the method of computation.  For higher t,
115  * a direct method is derived from integration by parts.
116  * Since the function is symmetric about t=0, the area under the
117  * right tail of the density is found by calling the function
118  * with -t instead of t.
119  */
120 real studentsTDistribution(int nu, real t)
121 in{
122    assert(nu>0);
123 }
124 body{
125   /* Based on code from Cephes Math Library Release 2.3:  January, 1995
126      Copyright 1984, 1995 by Stephen L. Moshier
127  */
129     if ( nu <= 0 ) return NaN(TANGO_NAN.STUDENTSDDISTRIBUTION_DOMAIN); // domain error -- or should it return 0?
130     if ( t == 0.0 )  return 0.5;
132     real rk, z, p;
134     if ( t < -1.6 ) {
135         rk = nu;
136         z = rk / (rk + t * t);
137         return 0.5L * betaIncomplete( 0.5L*rk, 0.5L, z );
138     }
140     /*  compute integral from -t to + t */
142     rk = nu;    /* degrees of freedom */
144     real x;
145     if (t < 0) x = -t; else x = t;
146     z = 1.0L + ( x * x )/rk;
148     real f, tz;
149     int j;
151     if ( nu & 1)    {
152         /*  computation for odd nu  */
153         real xsqk = x/sqrt(rk);
154         p = atan( xsqk );
155         if ( nu > 1 )   {
156             f = 1.0L;
157             tz = 1.0L;
158             j = 3;
159             while(  (j<=(nu-2)) && ( (tz/f) > real.epsilon )  ) {
160                 tz *= (j-1)/( z * j );
161                 f += tz;
162                 j += 2;
163             }
164             p += f * xsqk/z;
165             }
166         p *= 2.0L/PI;
167     } else {
168         /*  computation for even nu */
169         f = 1.0L;
170         tz = 1.0L;
171         j = 2;
173         while ( ( j <= (nu-2) ) && ( (tz/f) > real.epsilon )  ) {
174             tz *= (j - 1)/( z * j );
175             f += tz;
176             j += 2;
177         }
178         p = f * x/sqrt(z*rk);
179     }
180     if ( t < 0.0L )
181         p = -p; /* note destruction of relative accuracy */
183     p = 0.5L + 0.5L * p;
184     return p;
185 }
187 /** Inverse of Student's t distribution
188  *
189  * Given probability p and degrees of freedom nu,
190  * finds the argument t such that the one-sided
191  * studentsDistribution(nu,t) is equal to p.
192  *
193  * Params:
194  * nu = degrees of freedom. Must be >1
195  * p  = probability. 0 < p < 1
196  */
197 real studentsTDistributionInv(int nu, real p )
198 in {
199    assert(nu>0);
200    assert(p>=0.0L && p<=1.0L);
201 }
202 body
203 {
204     if (p==0) return -real.infinity;
205     if (p==1) return real.infinity;
207     real rk, z;
208     rk =  nu;
210     if ( p > 0.25L && p < 0.75L ) {
211         if ( p == 0.5L ) return 0;
212         z = 1.0L - 2.0L * p;
213         z = betaIncompleteInv( 0.5L, 0.5L*rk, fabs(z) );
214         real t = sqrt( rk*z/(1.0L-z) );
215         if( p < 0.5L )
216             t = -t;
217         return t;
218     }
219     int rflg = -1; // sign of the result
220     if (p >= 0.5L) {
221         p = 1.0L - p;
222         rflg = 1;
223     }
224     z = betaIncompleteInv( 0.5L*rk, 0.5L, 2.0L*p );
226     if (z<0) return rflg * real.infinity;
227     return rflg * sqrt( rk/z - rk );
228 }
230 debug(UnitTest) {
231 unittest {
233 // There are simple forms for nu = 1 and nu = 2.
235 // if (nu == 1), tDistribution(x) = 0.5 + atan(x)/PI
236 //              so tDistributionInv(p) = tan( PI * (p-0.5) );
237 // nu==2: tDistribution(x) = 0.5 * (1 + x/ sqrt(2+x*x) )
239 assert(studentsTDistribution(1, -0.4)== 0.5 + atan(-0.4)/PI);
240 assert(studentsTDistribution(2, 0.9) == 0.5L * (1 + 0.9L/sqrt(2.0L + 0.9*0.9)) );
241 assert(studentsTDistribution(2, -5.4) == 0.5L * (1 - 5.4L/sqrt(2.0L + 5.4*5.4)) );
243 // return true if a==b to given number of places.
244 bool isfeqabs(real a, real b, real diff)
245 {
246   return fabs(a-b) < diff;
247 }
249 // Check a few spot values with statsoft.com (Mathworld values are wrong!!)
250 // According to statsoft.com, studentsDistributionInv(10, 0.995)= 3.16927.
252 // The remaining values listed here are from Excel, and are unlikely to be accurate
253 // in the last decimal places. However, they are helpful as a sanity check.
255 //  Microsoft Excel 2003 gives TINV(2*(1-0.995), 10) == 3.16927267160917
256 assert(isfeqabs(studentsTDistributionInv(10, 0.995), 3.169_272_67L, 0.000_000_005L));
259 assert(isfeqabs(studentsTDistributionInv(8, 0.6), 0.261_921_096_769_043L,0.000_000_000_05L));
260 // -TINV(2*0.4, 18) ==  -0.257123042655869
262 assert(isfeqabs(studentsTDistributionInv(18, 0.4), -0.257_123_042_655_869L, 0.000_000_000_05L));
263 assert( feqrel(studentsTDistribution(18, studentsTDistributionInv(18, 0.4L)),0.4L)
264  > real.mant_dig-5 );
265 assert( feqrel(studentsTDistribution(11, studentsTDistributionInv(11, 0.9L)),0.9L)
266   > real.mant_dig-2);
267 }
268 }
270 /** The F distribution, its complement, and inverse.
271  *
272  * The F density function (also known as Snedcor's density or the
273  * variance ratio density) is the density
274  * of x = (u1/df1)/(u2/df2), where u1 and u2 are random
275  * variables having $(POWER &chi;,2) distributions with df1
276  * and df2 degrees of freedom, respectively.
277  *
278  * fDistribution returns the area from zero to x under the F density
279  * function.   The complementary function,
280  * fDistributionCompl, returns the area from x to &infin; under the F density function.
281  *
282  * The inverse of the complemented F distribution,
283  * fDistributionComplInv, finds the argument x such that the integral
284  * from x to infinity of the F density is equal to the given probability y.
285  *
286  * Can be used to test whether the means of multiple normally distributed
287  * populations, all with the same standard deviation, are equal;
288  * or to test that the standard deviations of two normally distributed
289  * populations are equal.
290  *
291  * Params:
292  *  df1 = Degrees of freedom of the first variable. Must be >= 1
293  *  df2 = Degrees of freedom of the second variable. Must be >= 1
294  *  x  = Must be >= 0
295  */
296 real fDistribution(int df1, int df2, real x)
297 in {
298  assert(df1>=1 && df2>=1);
299  assert(x>=0);
300 }
301 body{
302     real a = cast(real)(df1);
303     real b = cast(real)(df2);
304     real w = a * x;
305     w = w/(b + w);
306     return betaIncomplete(0.5L*a, 0.5L*b, w);
307 }
309 /** ditto */
310 real fDistributionCompl(int df1, int df2, real x)
311 in {
312  assert(df1>=1 && df2>=1);
313  assert(x>=0);
314 }
315 body{
316     real a = cast(real)(df1);
317     real b = cast(real)(df2);
318     real w = b / (b + a * x);
319     return betaIncomplete( 0.5L*b, 0.5L*a, w );
320 }
322 /*
323  * Inverse of complemented F distribution
324  *
325  * Finds the F density argument x such that the integral
326  * from x to infinity of the F density is equal to the
327  * given probability p.
328  *
329  * This is accomplished using the inverse beta integral
330  * function and the relations
331  *
332  *      z = betaIncompleteInv( df2/2, df1/2, p ),
333  *      x = df2 (1-z) / (df1 z).
334  *
335  * Note that the following relations hold for the inverse of
336  * the uncomplemented F distribution:
337  *
338  *      z = betaIncompleteInv( df1/2, df2/2, p ),
339  *      x = df2 z / (df1 (1-z)).
340 */
342 /** ditto */
343 real fDistributionComplInv(int df1, int df2, real p )
344 in {
345  assert(df1>=1 && df2>=1);
346  assert(p>=0 && p<=1.0);
347 }
348 body{
349     real a = df1;
350     real b = df2;
351     /* Compute probability for x = 0.5.  */
352     real w = betaIncomplete( 0.5L*b, 0.5L*a, 0.5L );
353     /* If that is greater than p, then the solution w < .5.
354        Otherwise, solve at 1-p to remove cancellation in (b - b*w).  */
355     if ( w > p || p < 0.001L) {
356         w = betaIncompleteInv( 0.5L*b, 0.5L*a, p );
357         return (b - b*w)/(a*w);
358     } else {
359         w = betaIncompleteInv( 0.5L*a, 0.5L*b, 1.0L - p );
360         return b*w/(a*(1.0L-w));
361     }
362 }
364 debug(UnitTest) {
365 unittest {
366 // fDistCompl(df1, df2, x) = Excel's FDIST(x, df1, df2)
367   assert(fabs(fDistributionCompl(6, 4, 16.5) - 0.00858719177897249L)< 0.0000000000005L);
368   assert(fabs((1-fDistribution(12, 23, 0.1)) - 0.99990562845505L)< 0.0000000000005L);
369   assert(fabs(fDistributionComplInv(8, 34, 0.2) - 1.48267037661408L)< 0.0000000005L);
370   assert(fabs(fDistributionComplInv(4, 16, 0.008) - 5.043_537_593_48596L)< 0.0000000005L);
371   // Regression test: This one used to fail because of a bug in the definition of MINLOG.
372   assert(feqrel(fDistributionCompl(4, 16, fDistributionComplInv(4,16, 0.008)), 0.008L)>=real.mant_dig-3);
373 }
374 }
376 /** $(POWER &chi;,2) cumulative distribution function and its complement.
377  *
378  * Returns the area under the left hand tail (from 0 to x)
379  * of the Chi square probability density function with
380  * v degrees of freedom. The complement returns the area under
381  * the right hand tail (from x to &infin;).
382  *
383  *  chiSqrDistribution(x | v) = ($(INTEGRATE 0, x)
384  *          $(POWER t, v/2-1) $(POWER e, -t/2) dt )
385  *             / $(POWER 2, v/2) $(GAMMA)(v/2)
386  *
387  *  chiSqrDistributionCompl(x | v) = ($(INTEGRATE x, &infin;)
388  *          $(POWER t, v/2-1) $(POWER e, -t/2) dt )
389  *             / $(POWER 2, v/2) $(GAMMA)(v/2)
390  *
391  * Params:
392  *  v  = degrees of freedom. Must be positive.
393  *  x  = the $(POWER &chi;,2) variable. Must be positive.
394  *
395  */
396 real chiSqrDistribution(real v, real x)
397 in {
398  assert(x>=0);
399  assert(v>=1.0);
400 }
401 body{
402    return gammaIncomplete( 0.5*v, 0.5*x);
403 }
405 /** ditto */
406 real chiSqrDistributionCompl(real v, real x)
407 in {
408  assert(x>=0);
409  assert(v>=1.0);
410 }
411 body{
412     return gammaIncompleteCompl( 0.5L*v, 0.5L*x );
413 }
415 /**
416  *  Inverse of complemented $(POWER &chi;, 2) distribution
417  *
418  * Finds the $(POWER &chi;, 2) argument x such that the integral
419  * from x to &infin; of the $(POWER &chi;, 2) density is equal
420  * to the given cumulative probability p.
421  *
422  * Params:
423  * p = Cumulative probability. 0<= p <=1.
424  * v = Degrees of freedom. Must be positive.
425  *
426  */
427 real chiSqrDistributionComplInv(real v, real p)
428 in {
429   assert(p>=0 && p<=1.0L);
430   assert(v>=1.0L);
431 }
432 body
433 {
434    return  2.0 * gammaIncompleteComplInv( 0.5*v, p);
435 }
437 debug(UnitTest) {
438 unittest {
439   assert(feqrel(chiSqrDistributionCompl(3.5L, chiSqrDistributionComplInv(3.5L, 0.1L)), 0.1L)>=real.mant_dig-5);
440   assert(chiSqrDistribution(19.02L, 0.4L) + chiSqrDistributionCompl(19.02L, 0.4L) ==1.0L);
441 }
442 }
444 /**
445  * The &Gamma; distribution and its complement
446  *
447  * The &Gamma; distribution is defined as the integral from 0 to x of the
448  * gamma probability density function. The complementary function returns the
449  * integral from x to &infin;
450  *
451  * gammaDistribution = ($(INTEGRATE 0, x) $(POWER t, b-1)$(POWER e, -at) dt) $(POWER a, b)/&Gamma;(b)
452  *
453  * x must be greater than 0.
454  */
455 real gammaDistribution(real a, real b, real x)
456 in {
457    assert(x>=0);
458 }
459 body {
460    return gammaIncomplete(b, a*x);
461 }
463 /** ditto */
464 real gammaDistributionCompl(real a, real b, real x )
465 in {
466    assert(x>=0);
467 }
468 body {
469    return gammaIncompleteCompl( b, a * x );
470 }
472 debug(UnitTest) {
473 unittest {
474     assert(gammaDistribution(7,3,0.18)+gammaDistributionCompl(7,3,0.18)==1);
475 }
476 }
478 /**********************
479  *  Beta distribution and its inverse
480  *
481  * Returns the incomplete beta integral of the arguments, evaluated
482  * from zero to x.  The function is defined as
483  *
484  * betaDistribution = &Gamma;(a+b)/(&Gamma;(a) &Gamma;(b)) *
485  * $(INTEGRATE 0, x) $(POWER t, a-1)$(POWER (1-t),b-1) dt
486  *
487  * The domain of definition is 0 <= x <= 1.  In this
488  * implementation a and b are restricted to positive values.
489  * The integral from x to 1 may be obtained by the symmetry
490  * relation
491  *
492  *    betaDistributionCompl(a, b, x )  =  betaDistribution( b, a, 1-x )
493  *
494  * The integral is evaluated by a continued fraction expansion
495  * or, when b*x is small, by a power series.
496  *
497  * The inverse finds the value of x for which betaDistribution(a,b,x) - y = 0
498  */
499 real betaDistribution(real a, real b, real x )
500 {
501    return betaIncomplete(a, b, x );
502 }
504 /** ditto */
505 real betaDistributionCompl(real a, real b, real x)
506 {
507     return betaIncomplete(b, a, 1-x);
508 }
510 /** ditto */
511 real betaDistributionInv(real a, real b, real y)
512 {
513     return betaIncompleteInv(a, b, y);
514 }
516 /** ditto */
517 real betaDistributionComplInv(real a, real b, real y)
518 {
519     return 1-betaIncompleteInv(b, a, y);
520 }
522 debug(UnitTest) {
523 unittest {
524     assert(feqrel(betaDistributionInv(2, 6, betaDistribution(2,6, 0.7L)),0.7L)>=real.mant_dig-3);
525     assert(feqrel(betaDistributionComplInv(1.3, 8, betaDistributionCompl(1.3,8, 0.01L)),0.01L)>=real.mant_dig-4);
526 }
527 }
529 /**
530  * The Poisson distribution, its complement, and inverse
531  *
532  * k is the number of events. m is the mean.
533  * The Poisson distribution is defined as the sum of the first k terms of
534  * the Poisson density function.
535  * The complement returns the sum of the terms k+1 to &infin;.
536  *
537  * poissonDistribution = $(BIGSUM j=0, k) $(POWER e, -m) $(POWER m, j)/j!
538  *
539  * poissonDistributionCompl = $(BIGSUM j=k+1, &infin;) $(POWER e, -m) $(POWER m, j)/j!
540  *
541  * The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete
542  * gamma integral is employed, according to the relation
543  *
544  * y = poissonDistribution( k, m ) = gammaIncompleteCompl( k+1, m ).
545  *
546  * The arguments must both be positive.
547  */
548 real poissonDistribution(int k, real m )
549 in {
550   assert(k>=0);
551   assert(m>0);
552 }
553 body {
554     return gammaIncompleteCompl( k+1.0, m );
555 }
557 /** ditto */
558 real poissonDistributionCompl(int k, real m )
559 in {
560   assert(k>=0);
561   assert(m>0);
562 }
563 body {
564   return gammaIncomplete( k+1.0, m );
565 }
567 /** ditto */
568 real poissonDistributionInv( int k, real p )
569 in {
570   assert(k>=0);
571   assert(p>=0.0 && p<=1.0);
572 }
573 body {
574     return gammaIncompleteComplInv(k+1, p);
575 }
577 debug(UnitTest) {
578 unittest {
579 // = Excel's POISSON(k, m, TRUE)
580     assert( fabs(poissonDistribution(5, 6.3)
581                 - 0.398771730072867L) < 0.000000000000005L);
582     assert( feqrel(poissonDistributionInv(8, poissonDistribution(8, 2.7e3L)), 2.7e3L)>=real.mant_dig-2);
583     assert( poissonDistribution(2, 8.4e-5) + poissonDistributionCompl(2, 8.4e-5) == 1.0L);
584 }
585 }
587 /***********************************
588  *  Binomial distribution and complemented binomial distribution
589  *
590  * The binomial distribution is defined as the sum of the terms 0 through k
591  * of the Binomial probability density.
592  * The complement returns the sum of the terms k+1 through n.
593  *
594  binomialDistribution = $(BIGSUM j=0, k) $(CHOOSE n, j) $(POWER p, j) $(POWER (1-p), n-j)
596  binomialDistributionCompl = $(BIGSUM j=k+1, n) $(CHOOSE n, j) $(POWER p, j) $(POWER (1-p), n-j)
597  *
598  * The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete
599  * beta integral is employed, according to the formula
600  *
601  * y = binomialDistribution( k, n, p ) = betaDistribution( n-k, k+1, 1-p ).
602  *
603  * The arguments must be positive, with p ranging from 0 to 1, and k<=n.
604  */
605 real binomialDistribution(int k, int n, real p )
606 in {
607    assert(p>=0 && p<=1.0); // domain error
608    assert(k>=0 && k<=n);
609 }
610 body{
611     real dk, dn, q;
612     if( k == n )
613         return 1.0L;
615     q = 1.0L - p;
616     dn = n - k;
617     if ( k == 0 ) {
618         return pow( q, dn );
619     } else {
620         return betaIncomplete( dn, k + 1, q );
621     }
622 }
624 debug(UnitTest) {
625 unittest {
626     // = Excel's BINOMDIST(k, n, p, TRUE)
627     assert( fabs(binomialDistribution(8, 12, 0.5)
628                 - 0.927001953125L) < 0.0000000000005L);
629     assert( fabs(binomialDistribution(0, 3, 0.008L)
630                 - 0.976191488L) < 0.00000000005L);
631     assert(binomialDistribution(7,7, 0.3)==1.0);
632 }
633 }
635  /** ditto */
636 real binomialDistributionCompl(int k, int n, real p )
637 in {
638    assert(p>=0 && p<=1.0); // domain error
639    assert(k>=0 && k<=n);
640 }
641 body{
642     if ( k == n ) {
643         return 0;
644     }
645     real dn = n - k;
646     if ( k == 0 ) {
647         if ( p < .01L )
648             return -expm1( dn * log1p(-p) );
649         else
650             return 1.0L - pow( 1.0L-p, dn );
651     } else {
652         return betaIncomplete( k+1, dn, p );
653     }
654 }
656 debug(UnitTest){
657 unittest {
658     // = Excel's (1 - BINOMDIST(k, n, p, TRUE))
659     assert( fabs(1.0L-binomialDistributionCompl(0, 15, 0.003)
660                 - 0.955932824838906L) < 0.0000000000000005L);
661     assert( fabs(1.0L-binomialDistributionCompl(0, 25, 0.2)
662                 - 0.00377789318629572L) < 0.000000000000000005L);
663     assert( fabs(1.0L-binomialDistributionCompl(8, 12, 0.5)
664                 - 0.927001953125L) < 0.00000000000005L);
665     assert(binomialDistributionCompl(7,7, 0.3)==0.0);
666 }
667 }
669 /** Inverse binomial distribution
670  *
671  * Finds the event probability p such that the sum of the
672  * terms 0 through k of the Binomial probability density
673  * is equal to the given cumulative probability y.
674  *
675  * This is accomplished using the inverse beta integral
676  * function and the relation
677  *
678  * 1 - p = betaDistributionInv( n-k, k+1, y ).
679  *
680  * The arguments must be positive, with 0 <= y <= 1, and k <= n.
681  */
682 real binomialDistributionInv( int k, int n, real y )
683 in {
684    assert(y>=0 && y<=1.0); // domain error
685    assert(k>=0 && k<=n);
686 }
687 body{
688     real dk, p;
689     real dn = n - k;
690     if ( k == 0 ) {
691         if( y > 0.8L )
692             p = -expm1( log1p(y-1.0L) / dn );
693         else
694             p = 1.0L - pow( y, 1.0L/dn );
695     } else {
696         dk = k + 1;
697         p = betaIncomplete( dn, dk, y );
698         if( p > 0.5 )
699             p = betaIncompleteInv( dk, dn, 1.0L-y );
700         else
701             p = 1.0 - betaIncompleteInv( dn, dk, y );
702     }
703     return p;
704 }
706 debug(UnitTest){
707 unittest {
708     real w = binomialDistribution(9, 15, 0.318L);
709     assert(feqrel(binomialDistributionInv(9, 15, w), 0.318L)>=real.mant_dig-3);
710     w = binomialDistribution(5, 35, 0.718L);
711     assert(feqrel(binomialDistributionInv(5, 35, w), 0.718L)>=real.mant_dig-3);
712     w = binomialDistribution(0, 24, 0.637L);
713     assert(feqrel(binomialDistributionInv(0, 24, w), 0.637L)>=real.mant_dig-3);
714     w = binomialDistributionInv(0, 59, 0.962L);
715     assert(feqrel(binomialDistribution(0, 59, w), 0.962L)>=real.mant_dig-5);
716 }
717 }
719 /** Negative binomial distribution and its inverse
720  *
721  * Returns the sum of the terms 0 through k of the negative
722  * binomial distribution:
723  *
724  * $(BIGSUM j=0, k) $(CHOOSE n+j-1, j-1) $(POWER p, n) $(POWER (1-p), j)
725  *
726  * In a sequence of Bernoulli trials, this is the probability
727  * that k or fewer failures precede the n-th success.
728  *
729  * The arguments must be positive, with 0 < p < 1 and r>0.
730  *
731  * The inverse finds the argument y such
732  * that negativeBinomialDistribution(k,n,y) is equal to p.
733  *
734  * The Geometric Distribution is a special case of the negative binomial
735  * distribution.
736  * -----------------------
737  * geometricDistribution(k, p) = negativeBinomialDistribution(k, 1, p);
738  * -----------------------
739  * References:
740  * $(LINK http://mathworld.wolfram.com/NegativeBinomialDistribution.html)
741  */
743 real negativeBinomialDistribution(int k, int n, real p )
744 in {
745    assert(p>=0 && p<=1.0); // domain error
746    assert(k>=0);
747 }
748 body{
749     if ( k == 0 ) return pow( p, n );
750     return betaIncomplete( n, k + 1, p );
751 }
753 /** ditto */
754 real negativeBinomialDistributionInv(int k, int n, real p )
755 in {
756    assert(p>=0 && p<=1.0); // domain error
757    assert(k>=0);
758 }
759 body{
760     return betaIncompleteInv(n, k + 1, p);
761 }
763 debug(UnitTest) {
764 unittest {
765   // Value obtained by sum of terms of MS Excel 2003's NEGBINOMDIST.
766   assert( fabs(negativeBinomialDistribution(10, 20, 0.2) - 3.830_52E-08)< 0.000_005e-08);
767   assert(feqrel(negativeBinomialDistributionInv(14, 208, negativeBinomialDistribution(14, 208, 1e-4L)), 1e-4L)>=real.mant_dig-3);
768 }
769 }