
Sets the subject (who this certificate is for) of an unsigned certificate.

The country code must be a valid two-letter country code (ie: CA, US, etc)

class Certificate
const(char)[] country
const(char)[] stateProvince
const(char)[] city
const(char)[] organization
const(char)[] cn
const(char)[] organizationalUnit = null
const(char)[] email = null


country const(char)[]

the two letter country code of the subject

stateProvince const(char)[]

the state or province of the subject

city const(char)[]

the city the subject belong to

organization const(char)[]

the organization the subject belongs to

cn const(char)[]

the cn of the subject. For websites, this should be the website url or a wildcard version of it (ie: *.dsource.org)

email const(char)[]

the optional email address of the subject
