$(ANCHOR _Culture)
Provides information about a culture, such as its name, calendar and date and number format patterns.
Remarks: tango.text.locale adopts the RFC 1766 standard for culture names in the format <language>"-"<region>.
<language> is a lower-case two-letter code defined by ISO 639-1. <region> is an upper-case
two-letter code defined by ISO 3166. For example, "en-GB" is UK English.
There are three types of culture: invariant, neutral and specific. The invariant culture is not tied to
any specific region, although it is associated with the English language. A neutral culture is associated with
a language, but not with a region. A specific culture is associated with a language and a region. "es" is a neutral
culture. "es-MX" is a specific culture.
Instances of DateTimeFormat and NumberFormat cannot be created for neutral cultures.
$(ANCHOR _DateTimeFormat) Determines how Time values are formatted, depending on the culture. Remarks: To create a DateTimeFormat for a specific culture, create a Culture for that culture and retrieve its dateTimeFormat property. To create a DateTimeFormat for the user's current culture, use the current property.
$(ANCHOR _NumberFormat) Determines how numbers are formatted, according to the current culture. Remarks: Numbers are formatted using format patterns retrieved from a NumberFormat instance. This class implements IFormatService.getFormat.
$(ANCHOR _Region) Provides information about a region. Remarks: Region does not represent user preferences. It does not depend on the user's language or culture.
Defines the types of cultures that can be retrieved from Culture.getCultures.
$(ANCHOR _IFormatService) Retrieves an object to control formatting.
$(MEMBERTABLE $(TR $(TH Interface) $(TH Description) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #IFormatService, IFormatService)) $(TD Retrieves an object to control formatting.) ) )
$(MEMBERTABLE $(TR $(TH Class) $(TH Description) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Calendar, Calendar)) $(TD Represents time in week, month and year divisions.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Culture, Culture)) $(TD Provides information about a culture, such as its name, calendar and date and number format patterns.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #DateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormat)) $(TD Determines how $(LINK2 #Time, Time) values are formatted, depending on the culture.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #DaylightSavingTime, DaylightSavingTime)) $(TD Represents a period of daylight-saving time.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Gregorian, Gregorian)) $(TD Represents the Gregorian calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Hebrew, Hebrew)) $(TD Represents the Hebrew calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Hijri, Hijri)) $(TD Represents the Hijri calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Japanese, Japanese)) $(TD Represents the Japanese calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Korean, Korean)) $(TD Represents the Korean calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #NumberFormat, NumberFormat)) $(TD Determines how numbers are formatted, according to the current culture.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Region, Region)) $(TD Provides information about a region.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Taiwan, Taiwan)) $(TD Represents the Taiwan calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #ThaiBuddhist, ThaiBuddhist)) $(TD Represents the Thai Buddhist calendar.) ) )
$(MEMBERTABLE $(TR $(TH Struct) $(TH Description) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Time, Time)) $(TD Represents time expressed as a date and time of day.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #TimeSpan, TimeSpan)) $(TD Represents a time interval.) ) )