
$(MEMBERTABLE $(TR $(TH Interface) $(TH Description) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #IFormatService, IFormatService)) $(TD Retrieves an object to control formatting.) ) )

$(MEMBERTABLE $(TR $(TH Class) $(TH Description) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Calendar, Calendar)) $(TD Represents time in week, month and year divisions.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Culture, Culture)) $(TD Provides information about a culture, such as its name, calendar and date and number format patterns.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #DateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormat)) $(TD Determines how $(LINK2 #Time, Time) values are formatted, depending on the culture.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #DaylightSavingTime, DaylightSavingTime)) $(TD Represents a period of daylight-saving time.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Gregorian, Gregorian)) $(TD Represents the Gregorian calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Hebrew, Hebrew)) $(TD Represents the Hebrew calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Hijri, Hijri)) $(TD Represents the Hijri calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Japanese, Japanese)) $(TD Represents the Japanese calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Korean, Korean)) $(TD Represents the Korean calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #NumberFormat, NumberFormat)) $(TD Determines how numbers are formatted, according to the current culture.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Region, Region)) $(TD Provides information about a region.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Taiwan, Taiwan)) $(TD Represents the Taiwan calendar.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #ThaiBuddhist, ThaiBuddhist)) $(TD Represents the Thai Buddhist calendar.) ) )

$(MEMBERTABLE $(TR $(TH Struct) $(TH Description) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #Time, Time)) $(TD Represents time expressed as a date and time of day.) ) $(TR $(TD $(LINK2 #TimeSpan, TimeSpan)) $(TD Represents a time interval.) ) )



class Culture

$(ANCHOR _Culture) Provides information about a culture, such as its name, calendar and date and number format patterns. Remarks: tango.text.locale adopts the RFC 1766 standard for culture names in the format <language>"-"<region>. <language> is a lower-case two-letter code defined by ISO 639-1. <region> is an upper-case two-letter code defined by ISO 3166. For example, "en-GB" is UK English.

There are three types of culture: invariant, neutral and specific. The invariant culture is not tied to any specific region, although it is associated with the English language. A neutral culture is associated with a language, but not with a region. A specific culture is associated with a language and a region. "es" is a neutral culture. "es-MX" is a specific culture.

Instances of DateTimeFormat and NumberFormat cannot be created for neutral cultures.

class DateTimeFormat

$(ANCHOR _DateTimeFormat) Determines how Time values are formatted, depending on the culture. Remarks: To create a DateTimeFormat for a specific culture, create a Culture for that culture and retrieve its dateTimeFormat property. To create a DateTimeFormat for the user's current culture, use the current property.

class NumberFormat

$(ANCHOR _NumberFormat) Determines how numbers are formatted, according to the current culture. Remarks: Numbers are formatted using format patterns retrieved from a NumberFormat instance. This class implements IFormatService.getFormat.

class Region

$(ANCHOR _Region) Provides information about a region. Remarks: Region does not represent user preferences. It does not depend on the user's language or culture.


enum CultureTypes

Defines the types of cultures that can be retrieved from Culture.getCultures.


interface IFormatService

$(ANCHOR _IFormatService) Retrieves an object to control formatting.
