Opens an archive from the local filesystem. If the readonly argument is specified as true, then modification of the archive will be explicitly disallowed.
Closes the archive, and releases all internal resources. If the commit argument is true (the default), then changes to the archive will be flushed out to disk. If false, changes will simply be discarded.
Flushes all changes to the archive out to disk.
Allows you to read and specify the path to the archive. The effect of setting this is to change where the archive will be written to when flushed to disk.
Indicates whether the archive was opened for read-only access. Note that in addition to the readonly constructor flag, this is also influenced by whether the file itself is read-only or not.
Closes this folder object. If commit is true, then the folder is sync'ed before being closed.
This will flush any changes to the archive to disk. Note that this applies to the entire archive, not just this folder and its contents.
Returns a reference to the underlying ZipFolder instance.
ZipFolder serves as the root object for all Zip archives in the VFS. Presently, it can only open archives on the local filesystem.