Closes this folder object. If commit is true, then the folder is sync'ed before being closed.
This will flush any changes to the archive to disk. Note that this applies to the entire archive, not just this folder and its contents.
Returns a reference to the underlying ZipFolder instance.
Return a short name
Return a long name
Return a contained file representation
Return a contained folder representation
Returns a folder set containing only this one. Statistics are inclusive of entries within this folder only
Returns a subtree of folders. Statistics are inclusive of files within this folder and all others within the tree
Iterate over the set of immediate child folders. This is useful for reflecting the hierarchy
Clear all content from this folder and subordinates
Is folder writable?
Close and/or synchronize changes made to this folder. Each driver should take advantage of this as appropriate, perhaps combining multiple files together, or possibly copying to a remote location
A folder is being added or removed from the hierarchy. Use this to test for validity (or whatever) and throw exceptions as necessary
This class represents a folder in an archive. In addition to supporting the sync operation, you can also use the archive member to get a reference to the underlying ZipFolder instance.